A flight with BA got us to Calabash Cove via Castries where on the outskirts a number of
Cattle Egrets obliged.
We watched the sunset before our evening meal and retiring.
Day two the cloud was hanging over Castries bay,while Carib grackles called as we sipped
ginger tea. A speed boat takes fisherman across the bay as a shower of rain ensues.
More rain Wales,England and now St Lucia a global affair,the rain disappeared as quick as it
arrived thank God for that.
A female Antillean bullfinch lands on our balcony.
It's still quiet cockerels call and cutlery rattles as the restaurant prepares breakfast.Left over
rain peppers the vegetation,at sea a pair of Royal terns fish.
Off to breakfast but not before a superb male Antillean Bullfinch comes to the balcony.
While at breakfast sea watching produced Osprey Frigate bird and Pomarine skua.
On the 4th an American Kestrel obliged in what looked like a eucalyptus tree
I got the camera and went for it.
The next morning the rain turned to blue sky, the sea was a millpond schooners and
terns scorched white against an azure sea.
The gastronomic delights of Calabash Cove is the highlight of our stay and the wonderfull
The lovely morning turned in to a disastrous afternoon, Carol slipped over on her ankle,
next thing paramedics are whisking us off to a clinic for an x ray.
The manageress Unita Felicien and staff were fautless over her on our last days.
Days six and seven now known as Carolbash cove,a quiet walk around the hotel
grounds I met the gardner he said have you met Peter I said no ,so following the
gardner I was introduced to Peter . In the tree along the path there perched was Peter
the Purple Throated Carib.
The last two days were a bit of a trial for both of us but we soldiered on ,Carol hobbled to the terrace for some and drinks we saw the American kestrel ,a Broad winged hawk and spotted sandpiper.
We left on the 8th by Helicopter from Castries to Hewannora Carol would not be denied another
bucket list ride. A lovely holiday just an unfortunate accident marred it a little.
Carol with Lance the islands Eddie Murphy.