Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Rare Thrush the E.Mails

These are the following e.mails received by a cross section of the birding fraternity,that shows
what we have is an unusual blackbird or a rare hybrid thrush.I leave you to ponder the complexities
as I now decamp from garden watch and return to some regular birding.Please feel free to email me
on your thoughts and conclusions.

1st Reply Mike Ilett county recorder for Herts.
"Not convinced about Black Throated Thrush -yellow on bill doesn't look extensive enough,looks long in one picture,the breast has very little black markings although female can have very little,your bird seems
to have rufous/brown tinge to side of breast,my best bet is an unusual song thrush,past the photos on to Barry  Reed for his opinion.Picture above Song Thrush at Maple Lodge.

2nd Reply from Lee Evans friend Nick,who has seen many thrushes in the far east"Odd Thrush in snowbound UK". I have seen lot of Dusky/Naumanns in the far east around 10 to15 years ago they are
incredibly variable however this individual lacks a supercillium(behind the eye) that seemed to be a pretty consistent feature,also no red in tail,but some first year birds can be dull. I have seen a number of dull Dusky Thrushes in some respects your bird is a better fit for Red Thoated Thrush but your species had no streaking on the flanks.
Given that Red throated and Black throated seem more inclined to lack a supercillium.
A Naumann's/Red throated hybrid would work.Above is a Dusky thrush.

3rd Reply from Jack Fearnside "I can see it looks very different and must have caused considerable
excitement.Looking at rare thrush species there is nothing that fits and is probably  a dilute female
I would be interested to see what Mike Ilett makes of it.
Female Blackbird at Maple Lodge in snow leaf cover.

4th Reply from Joan Thompson "Comparing photos with black,red throated and Naumann's the length of the tail potruding past the primaries on this odd bird is more in line with blackbird.
I therfore now feel that it is a Blackbird.
male Blackbird at Maple Lodge.

5th Reply from Paul Lewis the only other observer to see it in the flesh,"Well what can I say
the consensus of opinion is that the Turdus species is a Blackbird.
I've never seen one looking like that(An interesting record)
The unidentified? Turdus species in question.

6th Reply from Jeff Baker BTO "Showing some characteristics of Black throated ,though not typically
the key ones.Seems to be rufous in colour on upper parts,not he cold grey as in Black throated,while the underparts not that white as would normally be the case,it is very odd however.
Naumann's thrush South Korea above.

7th Reply from Tony Hulls via John Holloway in Orkney.
"I think I would be searching photos of Black/Red throated thruish the species are considered
conspecific and show an amazing array of plumages and there is clearly a wide area of inter breeding
.It would surely be a first winter ,but I would not stop at Blackbird,did you notice if it had bright
rufous arm pits.Hope id is soon resolved.

Above first picture Naumanns in Japan ,second the odd thrush at Maple Cross
Is this really a BLACKBIRD let me know your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. The first picture is from Korea, not Japan.
    Robin Newlin (the photographer), Birds Korea.
